Saturday, August 14, 2010

Homemade Carmel DeLites

About a year and a half ago, shortly after Girl Scout Cookie sale season, my brother in law and I decided that Carmel DeLites (aka Samoas) are the best of their cookies. The problem is that they never last very far between sale seasons. So after doing some serious googling, I stumbled upon a recipe for them. And since then it has been my goal every summer to actually try this recipe. After two summers, I finally just plopped myself in the kitchen and tried it. Here are the results:

Now, before you decide that these are the best looking cookies you've ever seen and you need to run to the kitchen to try them yourself, I have a few words of wisdom. While these cookies are delicious, they are also labor intensive. So unless you have some serious time or are trying to impress someone who loves these cookies. Save them for a rainy day when you're feeling like something REALLY special is in order.
P.S. I made them for a baking competition at work. So we'll see how they go over!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Linda... How I am glad that I felt inspired to look on your blog. These little monsters look scrumptious! I can't wait to try them. I love the name of the blog and the story behind it. You are charming and wonderful!
